Why parents should bring there children to Diave’ Daye:
Canary Class (6 weeks – 12 months)
Our Canary classroom is designed to help your baby feel loved, comforted and welcomed into the world! Studies show that children who build strong trust and attachments with caregivers thrive throughout their lives. Our main objective is to encourage your child’s growth and development with interaction and activities that are stimulating and age appropriate. We will stimulate the younger children with singing, reading, conversation, and most importantly cuddling! As your child grows and needs more physical stimulation we will incorporate tummy time, floor time, and activities to promote hand-eye coordination.
Between 6-8 months your child is going to want to know everything about their environment. They will use their senses to discover what things are and how they work! The teachers in this room will foster your child’s discovery by offering different textures, sounds, and toys for your child to explore! The children use their hands to understand texture changes, their sense of hearing to differentiate mood and begin to socialize, their sight to understand facial expressions and their environment. They will spend time snuggling and conversing with caregivers, learning through books with verbal stimulation, and working on physical development through one on one interactions with teachers and alone. The children undergo a time of rapid physical development in this room. When the children leave this class they have mastered crawling, pulling up to stand, and sometimes walking! Our caregivers will nurture your child in every way and aid your child in mastering new skills!
Sparrow Class (2 years – 3 years)
Now that your child can walk, communicate needs, and is learning some self- help skills it is time to start putting those skills together! In this class your child will start a preschool based curriculum that will coincide with the Missouri Early Learning Content Standards for preschool aged children. This curriculum will be introduced on an individual basis, for children who are ready for the skills. Your child will be learning shapes, colors, and alphabet introduction. At circle time the teachers will introduce days of the week and some social studies materials such as the weather or temperature (will we needs gloves today?). The curriculum will help the children “Get Set” for our Preschool room.
In this class we will also introduce center based play. The children will begin to play together in small groups for small increments of time. This helps children learn to socialize and problem solve. It promotes communication with peers and gives teachers an opportunity to observe the children to assess how they can aid or improve the curriculum for the children’s needs.
Robin Class (4 years – 5 years) Pre-Kindergarten
Our Pre-K program has a very important task. This class is designed by implementing The Missouri Early Learning Content Standards, and creative curriculum. The children will prepare for Kindergarten through development of literary skills, music and movement, social studies, science, math, sensory play and more. Children will begin to differentiate between upper and lower case letter recognition and learn to write their first and last names correctly. They will also become familiar with numbers through 100 while still working on important mathematic skills such as one to one correspondence, counting, comparing and grouping.
Through hands on activities, group demonstrations and one on one attention the children will receive the guidance they need to have a strong jump start to their academic career. The teachers will take assessments throughout the year to gage your child’s readiness for Kindergarten. These assessments will help the teachers individualize learning, and keep parents up to date for Kindergarten assessments through the school system. Our goal is to make learning fun, meaningful, and successful! The children will grow socially, emotionally and cognitively in this very important year.
Cardinals Class (12 months – 23 months)
Now that your child has spent an entire year learning new skills, they will work on mastering them! These little friends are still very unsteady on their walking feet and tend to need plenty of time and space to fine tune their coordination and large motor skills. Toddlers spend a lot of time walking! In this room the teachers start to incorporate lesson planning into your child’s discovery through group play, circle time songs and books, arts and crafts, sensory experiences and by keeping a steady stream of conversation so that your child is introduced to vocabulary. Children also have scheduled outside playtimes where they have the time and space to practice their gross motor skills such as running and climbing in a safe, enclosed, age appropriate environment.
During this time your child may begin to become more independent. Our caregivers will foster this independence, while maintaining a nurturing environment for those times your child needs hugs and affection.
Blue Jay Class (3 years – 4 years) Pre-School
Wow! Where has the time gone? Your child has achieved so much already and now it is time for formal learning to begin! Your child has been developing so many skills and they will be using all of them while in preschool.
The children are learning to socialize with their friends, as well as taking turns and following directions. The children participate in large group, small group and individual activities to enhance growth and development in all learning aspects. The children will expand on letter introduction. They learn that each letter has its own sound and shape. The curriculum consists of weekly themes that involve a letter of the alphabet, season, and holidays.
The children are introduced to mathematics. They will learn about numbers, one to one correspondence, counting and comparing. The children’s fine motor skills are reinforced by art projects, sensory tables, puzzles, computer play and games. The children will begin using a tripod pencil grasp, cutting with scissors, manipulating many everyday materials to master self- help skills (zipping coats, buttoning pants, putting on hat and gloves, etc.).
Assessments will be performed four times throughout the school year to aid teachers. This helps them to maintain an age appropriate curriculum that is appropriate for all of the children or to aid parents if there is a concern.
Eagle Class (School-Age Program)
This class meets the needs of busy working families, Diave’ Daye provides the flexibility to extend the learning day before and after school for school-age children ages 5 to 12 years. We offer homework support each day and planned activity in creative arts, math and science.
Thanks to a strong curriculum and excellent teachers, our program helps children take personal responsibility for their actions while recognizing and cultivating each child’s individual abilities. It’s a winning formula for student success in school and beyond!